Recommended 2 Stroke Bike Maintenance
After (1) ride
Wash bike thoroughly to remove dirt from all moving parts
Service air filter (clean, rinse w/ water, let dry, oil & grease around rim)
Make sure that no dirt has gotten into the air boot
Change oil (drain all & refill to measurement on side cover)
Adjust and lube chain
Check clutch adjustment
Check spokes
Check over critical bolts
Spray pipe (if bare metal) with lubricant including hard-to-reach areas
After (3) rides
Basic prep (all of above plus the following)
Clean & grease lever pivots
Check tire psi
Clean air box and boot
Check bolts (subframe, rear brake master cylinder, steering stem, etc.)
After (5) rides
Basic prep (all of above plus the following)
Check brake pad thickness
Clean and lube throttle assembly
After (40) hours
Basic prep (all of above plus the following)
Replace spark plug
Replace piston assembly
Clean & grease wheel bearings
Clean & grease headset bearings
Check or replace reeds
Check or replace clutch assembly
This is only a quick reference for riders that do not have any maintenance schedule. We recommend following the detailed schedule in the service manual for a more thorough preparation that will keep your bike in safe and optimum performing condition. Always replace any critical part that shows signs of wear.